Virtual Tour of Rakhsha TIS Smart Home
Smart Home (Intelligent Building)
Perhaps the first question that comes to mind for the first time after hearing the intelligence of a building or building automation is that what's at all or what intelligence is? And why should I make my home smart?
Automation in plain language means automating responses to some of the events. With this definition, even a system for alerting or announcing a fire and ... alone is a kind of automation.
Perhaps the main purpose behind intelligence is to control all the equipment on the home. But what's best is to know that professionals in the field never regard these as the main goals of automation. The first and foremost goal of these professionals is to equip the building with processors needed to provide more safety and security, and optimize energy and time. Subsequently, the provision of equipment control services and luxury features are considered as low-cost options that are easily accessible and can contribute to a better sense of life in a welfare state.
TIS products are one of the best and most sophisticated intelligent products in the world. For years, TIS products represent the presence of domestic and international markets.

Advantages of TIS Smart Home
Completeness: This product is one of the most comprehensive intelligent building systems:
- Turn on and off the brightness
- Dimming brightness
- Control of various cooling and heating systems
- Electrocontroller control
- Control of electrical outlets
- Alarm system
- Smart sensors for motion detection and light
- Connectivity of all types of sensors in the market with other brands (presence sensors, vibration, humidity, etc.)
- Smart keys with full color touch screen
- Multi-bridge smart keys have thermostats
- Remote control and control on mobile and tablet
Easy to program: The TIS product group is the only product with DI.Y technology (handheld programming) around the world. Therefore, the user can define and modify the programs and scenarios of the system without having to train and connect to the computer and only manually.
Easy to use: Due to the simple and visualizability of all menus and options for this system and the unique design, the use of TIS products for every age group, even children and elderly, and with every level of education is very simple and easy.
2 year warranty: These products in Iran with 2 years warranty and 10 years after-sales service.
Virtual Tour of Rakhsha TIS Smart Home - Dashtestan Center
The Smart Home of Rakhsha with TIS technology in the center of Dushtestan is intelligent now. Employers and enthusiasts can visit this place every day, except for holidays, and get information with Mr. Reza Abshirini, the director of this center.