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You Can Spend the Night in a Luxury Hotel Room Suspended in the Air

There are plenty of out-there hotel experiences, but chances are you've never spend the night in a luxury suite suspended four stories in the air in what used to be a construction crane.‎ The same people who brought us a hotel room in a life boat have introduced the new Crane Hotel Faralda — surprisingly, the second crane hotel in The Netherlands.‎

The rooms are built into the crane, ranging from 114 feet from the ground to 164 feet if you book the highest suite (which comes with its own open-air hot tub!‎).‎ There are three five-star suites total:‎ Free Spirit, Secret, and Mystique.‎ The crane is also located on a dock, meaning you've got great views no matter which room you choose.‎

Crane Hotel
Koen van Weel/AFP/Getty Images

Free Spirit is the lowest hanging suite at 114 feet above the ground, with a focus on high-design furniture and a free-standing tub with a killer view.‎ Secret is the next-highest suite at 130 feet in the air, and was a machinery room in a previous life.‎ This suite is a stunning split-level with a copper bath tub from Marrakech.‎ The third — and tallest — suite is Mystique, floating 147 feet in the air.‎ This suite is decorated with old parts from a sunken ocean cruiser and, as you might have guessed, also has a bath tub that could suck hours of your day.‎

The Daily Express notes that these cranes move with the wind, so don't forget your Dramamine if you're prone to motion sickness.‎ Getting to this spot in Harlingen is easy, and it's only a hour drive from Amsterdam.‎

Nightly rates start at $464 for these suites.‎ You can read more about the rooms on the Crane Hotel Faralda website.‎

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